Ganglion Cysts

Ganglion Cysts

Diagnosis Explanation:

A ganglion cyst is a fluid-filled lump that develops along tendons or joints, commonly found on the wrist, hand, or fingers. These cysts form when synovial fluid leaks out of a joint or tendon sheath and collects in a sac. They can vary in size, may appear suddenly or gradually, and can change over time.


  • Visible lump near a joint or tendon (usually on the wrist or hand).
  • Mild to moderate pain if the cyst presses on a nerve.
  • Tingling, numbness, or weakness in the affected area.
  • Fluctuating size, often increasing with activity and decreasing with rest.

Specific Work Modifications:

  • If your job involves typing or writing: Use an ergonomic keyboard and wrist support, and take frequent breaks.
  • If your job requires manual labor: Avoid repetitive wrist or hand movements that may aggravate the cyst.
  • If your job is desk-based: Keep wrists neutral, adjust your desk height, and avoid resting directly on the cyst.
  • Avoid: Prolonged wrist flexion/extension, forceful gripping, and repetitive strain on the affected joint.

Specific Activity Modifications:

  • If you play an instrument or do crafting: Modify technique and use larger-handled tools to reduce strain.
  • If you play sports: Avoid racket sports, weightlifting, and repetitive wrist motions that may increase pressure on the cyst.
  • If you do yoga or Pilates: Modify wrist-bearing poses (e.g., plank, downward dog) to reduce joint stress.
  • Avoid: Excessive wrist bending, prolonged gripping, and impact activities.

Recommended Supplements:

  • Collagen Peptides – 10g daily for joint and connective tissue support.
  • Vitamin B6 – 50-100mg daily to support nerve health if the cyst is compressing a nerve.
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids – 1000mg daily to reduce inflammation.
  • Turmeric (Curcumin) – 500-1000mg daily for natural anti-inflammatory benefits.
  • Magnesium – 300-400mg daily to support muscle relaxation and joint health.

Recommended Nutrition and Hydration:

  • Increase Lean Protein (chicken, fish, tofu, eggs) to support connective tissue health.
  • Eat Anti-Inflammatory Foods (berries, leafy greens, turmeric, nuts) to reduce swelling.
  • Consume Hydrating Foods (cucumber, watermelon, citrus) to maintain joint lubrication.
  • Limit Processed Foods & Sugars to prevent inflammation.
  • Hydration: Drink 8-10 cups of water daily to support joint and tissue hydration.

Home Exercise Prescription (Rehabilitation for Ganglion Cysts)

Early Phase (0-2 Weeks, Reducing Pain & Preventing Growth):

  • RICE Protocol – Rest, Ice (15-20 min, 3x/day), Compression, Elevation.
  • Gentle Wrist Stretching – Extend the arm, pull the wrist back gently, hold 20 seconds, 3x/day.
  • Finger Flexor Stretch – Gently bend fingers back, hold 15 seconds, 3x/day.

Strengthening Phase (2-6 Weeks, Improving Joint Stability & Function):

  • Wrist Extension (Light Resistance Band) – Hold a light weight or band, extend the wrist upward, 10 reps, 2x/day.
  • Wrist Flexion (Light Resistance Band) – Hold a weight, bend wrist down, 10 reps, 2x/day.
  • Grip Strengthening (Soft Ball Squeeze) – Squeeze a soft ball 5 seconds, repeat 10 reps, 2x/day.

Advanced Phase (6+ Weeks, Preventing Recurrence & Maintaining Function):

  • Wrist Circles – Slowly rotate wrists in both directions, 10 reps, 2x/day.
  • Forearm Pronation/Supination (Light Resistance) – Rotate forearm palm-up and palm-down, 10 reps, 2x/day.
  • Thumb Opposition Drill – Touch thumb to each fingertip, 10 reps, 2x/day.

Helpful Books:

  1. The Hand and Wrist Pain Solution: Simple Exercises for Relief – Dr. Ross Clifford.
  2. Arthritis and Hand Therapy: A Self-Help Guide to Managing Joint Pain – Susan J. Barnhart, PT.

Contact the Key West orthopedic clinic or reach out to Dr. Jason Pirozzolo.