Understanding Strains

Understanding Strains

What is a Strain?

A strain is a stretching or tearing of a muscle or tendon (the tissue that connects muscle to bone). Strains commonly occur in the back, hamstrings, and shoulders due to overuse, improper lifting, or sudden movements.

Signs & Symptoms of a Strain

✔ Pain and tenderness in the affected muscle
✔ Swelling or bruising
✔ Muscle weakness or spasms
✔ Difficulty moving the affected area
✔ A popping sensation at the time of injury (in severe cases)

Common Causes of Strains

🔹 Overuse or repetitive motion (sports, heavy lifting, prolonged standing)
🔹 Sudden movements (jumping, sprinting, or quick direction changes)
🔹 Lifting incorrectly (poor posture, twisting while lifting)
🔹 Insufficient warm-up before physical activity

Treatment: The R.I.C.E. Method

🔹 Rest – Avoid using the injured muscle for 24-48 hours.
🔹 Ice – Apply an ice pack for 15-20 minutes every 2-3 hours for the first 48 hours.
🔹 Compression – Use an elastic bandage to reduce swelling (not too tight).
🔹 Elevation – Keep the injured area elevated above heart level if possible.

When to Seek Medical Help

🚨 Severe pain or inability to move the muscle
🚨 Swelling or bruising that worsens over time
🚨 Numbness or tingling in the affected area
🚨 A complete loss of muscle function (possible tendon rupture)

Preventing Strains

Warm up properly before exercise or physical activity.
Stretch regularly to maintain muscle flexibility.
Use proper lifting techniques (bend at the knees, not the waist).
Strengthen muscles to improve stability and prevent overuse injuries.
Take breaks when performing repetitive movements.

Rehabilitation & Recovery

🔹 After 48 hours, start gentle stretching and movement to prevent stiffness.
🔹 Gradually increase activity levels as pain decreases.
🔹 Strengthening exercises (as tolerated) help restore function and prevent re-injury.

Bottom Line

Follow R.I.C.E. treatment immediately after a strain.
Start gentle movement after 48 hours to aid recovery.
Prevent future strains with proper warm-ups, stretching, and strengthening.
Seek medical attention for severe pain, swelling, or loss of function.

Contact the Key West orthopedic clinic or reach out to Dr. Jason Pirozzolo.